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About Shoot Out ALS Dallas: 

We are so excited to be hosting our second annual Dallas Shoot Out ALS event at the Dallas Gun Club on April 22, 2023. This will be a day of joy, laughter, and compassion as we join together to raise funds to make ALS a livable disease. All proceeds from ticket sales, sponsorships, auction items purchased, and donations will be used to provide service to the ALS community through local care, advocacy, and research.

In its first year, the Dallas Shoot Out ALS event raised over $77,000.00 that was used to provide durable medical equipment, clinic appointments for those diagnosed, and support groups for those living with ALS as well as their loved ones.

Our goal at the Dallas Shoot Out ALS event is to raise $100,000.00 to continue supporting families impacted by ALS and cultivating a cure. Every dollar helps us make great strides towards a cure and making ALS a livable disease. Any gift, large or small, makes an impact on the community and improves the quality of life for persons living with ALS. Below, you will see just how far a donation reaches.


  • $2 billion is the estimated cost to develop a new drug to slow or stop progression of ALS.
  • $250,000.00 is the estimated out-of-pocket cost for care.

Thank you to Our Sponsors